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B5: Queering The Text

A Taste of the Biscuit Content

Black text over a faded image of lots of books on shelves Text reads: "B5 - Queering the Text. This biscuit built on terminology covered such as queering, and applied it to literature. As a group, we discussed what is ethical theatre practice, and how this is expended specifically when looking at queer texts. The end project was split into two options; raisin and currant. One path challenged members to re-queer a ‘traditional text’ whilst the other focused on writing an original piece about queering/requeering."

Biscuit Outcome:

A piece of text written by members that queers a ‘classic’ piece as inspiration, or a new text that challenges what the connotation might be.

Raisin Path: Queering A Classic

Classic texts include:

  • The Bible
  • Wuthering Heights
  • How to Kill a Mockingbird
  • The Great Gatsby
  • Jane Eyre
  • 1984 & Animal Farm
  • Of Mice and Men
Text on a faded image of two hands with fancy rings on touching a rainbow beam on a wall. Text reads: "Queering. I’ve come to learn, and at times profusely defend Just What the actual heck is queering And why the straights needn’t be fearing That yes - this thing isn’t out to get you Queering steered the reins of our imagination at every age It sits between the strokes of the brush that belonged to Frida Kahlo It gallops through the Snow in the form of Mr. Tumnus Watch it glow when a person chooses a pattern on pattern combination without a second thought There needn’t be a qualification, an initiation process Or the sight of a sequin, as it slowly falls off another richly enjoyed unisex dress Nothing about any of this is new, it’s just new to you, in this sense And if after all this, You disagree, angrily even perhaps protest That you’re happy in the world of the ordinary, the dull, the expected. That you’ve hidden in a heterosexual cloak that ricochets all forms of creativity, possibility, fun. Then what a dark and dull place to be. - Ellie Snow"
An example of a potential outcome of the currant path for B5.

Currant Path: An Original Piece of Work Exploring The Concept of Queering

This piece of writing could perhaps; 

  • Include your own perspective on what queering is
  • Challenge what the current definition is (centering on sexuality and gender)
  • Re-queer a piece of work
  • Discuss a creative from history and how we might see queer themes, topics etc. from their work 

In What Ways Can We Queer Something?

  • Non-Linear
  • Language
  • Delivery
  • Context
  • Form (eg: a speech, interview, report)
  • The Unexpected
  • Structure Enjambments

The Queer Canon

Historically, works considered to be entered into a collection of significant and timeless pieces of art has been decided by white, older men. Ellie decided to queer this and ask QC members to decide their own pieces of work in a queer’d canon.

This asked the question; As a queer person/ally, what and who do you think should be included as important resources? What piece of writing, figure, or influence have been transformative for you and why does this need to be shared with others?

The responses included song lyrics, comic books, street artists, groups and more. This task adds to the re-framing of what is often suggested to us as canonical, but with a queer focus.

Member Content from Biscuit

Holmes & Watson: Vox Margo
The Most Dangerous Gayme: Mia Violet
Paychegg: Stacy Smith
Aphrodite’s Reply: Ember Overal
The Pompey Tooth: Harry Hender

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